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júl 2005

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29 July 2005
National Library of Malta in a prestigious calendar

National Library of Malta, a partner in TEL-ME-MOR project, is featured in a prestigious calendar published by the Information Strategy and Information Management, a Swedish consultancy and publication company. The aim of the Renaissance Library Calendar is to highlight the most beautiful ancient libraries around the world through a medium of professional photography. This year the month of July has been dedicated to 450 years old National Library of Malta.

To read the original article with comments from Mr. Philip Borg, Director of the National Library and Archives of Malta, click here . To learn more about the Renaissance Library Calendar, visit the publisher's official website .

25 July 2005
Local websites completed

The network of TEL-ME-MOR local websites has been completed. Starting July 2005 current information on TEL-ME-MOR project and European initiatives is available in the official languages of 10 New Member States: Estonian , Latvian , Lithuanian , Polish , Czech , Slovak , Hungarian , Slovenian , Greek (Cyprus) and Maltese . The websites were produced by the national libraries of the New Member States in the framework of workpackage 4 of TEL-ME-MOR project.

The localised versions will be permanently accessible via Local Websites section of the central TEL-ME-MOR website.

11 July 2005
The European Library Newsletter has published a summer issue of it's newsletter. The newsletter introduces Mozilla/Firefox compatible version and further developments of service, future members of The European Library consortium and progress of TEL-ME-MOR project. The publication can be downloaded here as a PDF-file.

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