
Aktualizácia: 20. júna 2005



2. - 3. máj
IV. Nordicko-pobaltské stretnutie knihovníkov
Liepaja, Lotyšsko

Asociácia knižníc Lotyšska, Národná knižnica Lotyšska a Liepajská centrálna knižnica organizujú v spolupráci s knihovníckymi asociáciami severských a pobaltských krajín štvrté medzinárodné zhromaždenie severských a pobaltských knihovníkov a názvom “Výskum a inovácia: nordicko-pobaltské stratégie rozvoja knihovníctva”.

Kontakt: Anna Maulina, telefón/fax: (371) 731 27 93, e-mail: anna.maulina@lnb.lv

5. - 6. máj
Manažment zbierok kultúrneho dedičstva II: kontinuita a zmena
Tallinn, Estónsko

Toto podujatie sa organizuje v rámci projektu MINERVA Plus, ktorý rozširuje činnosti siete MINERVA na nové členské štáty, Rusko a Izrael.

11. máj - 13. máj 2005
9. tematický workshop siete excelencie DELOS na tému Digitálne úložiská: Interoperabilita a spoločné služby
Kréta, Grécko

Focus of the workshop: the role of repositories as 'managed collections of digital objects' within e-learning and e-research and related digital library services, considering such repositories as providers of both preservation and access services. Topics: inter-working between repositories, the role of repositories in enabling a workflow to support the digital object life-cycle, the potential for common services and interoperability amongst various types of repositories, mapping the repository landscape, and developing a distributed repository architecture.

17 May
Call 5 Information Day
Tallinn, Estonia

An Information Day on Call 5, to be opened on 18 May, aimed at enhancing participation of Estonian organisations in project proposals under this call. The event is org anised by the European Union Innovation Centre and supported by the Star-NET project. Guest speaker Eurico Neves will speak of Portuguese experience in participating in IST Programme.

17 - 19 May
UNESCO between two Phases of the World Summit of the Information Society
St. Petersburg, Russia

The Conference, which is part of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS), aims to clarify the next steps and key decisions of UNESCO with regard to the building of the global information society. One of the main objects of the event is to draft recommendations for determining UNESCO`s position on further implementation of provisions of the main documents adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society. MINERVA organises the conference section 'Policies of cultural and scientific heritage digitization and preservation'.

19 - 20 May
Towards an eLearning Society
Brussels, Belgium

Focused on e-Learning in Europe, this conference will bring together a cross section of the various stakeholders involved in eLearning in Europe, providing a forum for sharing experiences, exchanging good practices and taking stock of the added value of using ICT in education and training.

26 May
Call 5 Information Day
Thessaloniki, Greece

An Information Day on Call 5, opened on 18 May, aimed at enhancing participation of Greek organisations in project proposals under this call. The event is organised by the National Documentation Centre for the IST Programme in Greece. Ian Pigott, Project Officer at the European Commission, unit 'Learning and Cultural Heritage' will present the area 'Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources'.

E-mail for more information: ist@ekt.gr

30 May – 3 June
LIDA 2005 : Libraries in the digital age
Dubrovnik/Mljet, Croatia


3 - 5 June
European Research and Innovation Exhibition
Paris, France

The European Research & Innovation Exhibition will take place at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre in Paris, under the patronage of French president, Jacques Chirac. This international exhibition addresses the general public and is broken down into four main areas: Europe; Regional Development, Innovation & Research Applications; Research & Education; Research & Enterprise. It offers exceptional opportunities for spotlighting your achievements and ambitions in research and innovation

6 - 7 June
MINERVA Conference
Krakow, Poland

MINERVA is a network of Member States' Ministries set up by the European Commission to harmonise digitisation activities in Europe. Information on the event will be accessible from the events page of the MINERVA web site.

5 - 11 June
DELOS Summer School
Sophia Antipolis, France

The DELOS Network of Excellence is a four-year project funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme to synergize and foster technology for the next-generation of Digital Libraries. It builds on the work of an earlier project under the Fifth Framework Programme, which ran from 2000-2003. DELOS regularly organises workshops, seminars and summer schools related to Digital Libraries. This year, the DELOS summer school on 'Digital Preservation in Digital Libraries' will be held in France. The event will assist the participants in understanding how to address digital preservation challenges in the context of the digital library as well as to provide a networking opportunity for researchers, international experts and practitioners across disciplinary and national boundaries. Details on the event.

15 June
eContentplus Information Day

The Information Day was hosted by the European Commission and was dedicated to a detailed presentation of the programme and the call for proposals. Subject to the completion of all the necessary procedures, the European Commission intends to launch a call for proposals in August 2005.

15 June
Managing Digital Projects for Culture and Heritage
London, United Kingdom

One day training course organised by King's Digital Consultancy Services and f ocused upon delivering digital resources and digitisation (the conversion to digital formats). Starting with effective project management through fundraising and budgeting/costing issues the course will offer real life examples and tools to enable effective management. The afternoon will focus upon writing requirement specifications, tendering and selecting service providers. The course will be lead by Simon Tanner, KDCS Director. The registration is open till 5 June, 2005 .

15 - 16 June
IST Call 5 - Information Day and Project Preparation Workshop
Budapest, Hungary

Organised by the PRO NMS project. Information Day focused on micro/nano based subsystems, embedded systems, software and services, ICT for networked businesses, but also cultural heritage was add ressed.

National Library of Hungary as a partner in TEL-ME-MOR delivered a presentation on the project and Strategic Objective 2.5.10.

16 June
Call 5 Information Day

In connection with Call 5 , published on 18 May 2005, the European Commission, unit 'Learning and Cultural Heritage' organised an Information Day aimed at streamlining project proposals addressing the strategic objective 'Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources' in the IST Work Programme 2005-2006. The event helped to build consensus on trends and challenges in future research, to better understand the FP6 instruments, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and to find partners for project consortia.

Eremo srl. as a partner in TEL-ME-MOR made a pre sentation on the project.

16. - 17. jún 2005
Zjednodušenie účasti vo výskume EÚ – Otváranie sa prístupnosti pre všetkých

2-day workshop reviewed a series of proposed new measures which look to simplify access to the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research 2007-2013. The following issues were addressed during the workshop: legal and financial rules, Community funding schemes, intellectual property rights, and evaluation and selection processes.

The workshop was jointly organised by the European Commission and the Luxembourg Presidency and hosted by the European Court of Auditors. Presentation made by Mr. Janez Potočnik, the European Commissioner for Science and Research, is available here .

20. - 22. jún 2005
8. stretnutie Skupiny národných zástupcov a konferencia MINERVA

The meetings of the National Representatives Group (NRG) on Digitisation Policies in the EU Member States take place every six month in the framework of the EU presidency. They provide a forum for consensus building, promoting good practice and encouraging initiatives to support the visibility of quality cultural sites.

23. jún 2005
Udržiavanie digitálnych projektov: Financovanie budúcnosti
Londýn, Veľká Británia

One day training course organised by King's Digital Consultancy Services and focused upon t he long-term sustainability of digital resources. The course will identify the key issues in developing a sustainability plan including what to sustain (resource, people and/or activity), various revenue models and finding your market niche for future funding. The reg istration is open till 13 June, 2005.

28. jún 2005
Národný informačný deň o prioritách 1 a 5
Varšava, Poľsko

Information Day organised by Polish National Contact Point and focusing on strategic priorities 1 and 5. Overview of opportunities provided under Call 5 and practical tips for writing successful proposals.

National Library of Poland as a partner in TEL-ME-MOR will try to introduce the activities and goals of the project.

28. jún 2005
5. výzva programu IST – Národný informačný deň
Vilňus, Litva

Information Day organised by Lithuanian National Contact Point and focusing on all Strategic Objectives of Call 5, including SO 2.5.10 - Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources.

National Library of Lithuania as a partner in TEL-ME-MOR will present the activities and goals of the project.

29. jún 2005
European Opportunities for Funding Research and Development in Cultural Sector
Tallinn, Estónsko

Information Day focusing on FP6 Call 5 (especially Strategic Objective 2.5.10 - Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources ), eContent plus and Culture2000 programmes. Key speaker is Mr. Ian Pigott from the European Commission's Directorate Content .

The Information Day is organised by the National Library of Estonia in the framework of TEL-ME-MOR project.


14. - 18. august 2005
71. generálna konferencia a stretnutie rady IFLA
Oslo, Nórsko

The annual General Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions is one of the world key events in the library community and is traditionally held in varying parts of the globe. This year the IFLA conference will be held in Oslo, Norway under the title ‘Libraries - A voyage of discovery'.

TEL-ME-MOR will deliver a presentation and will hold a poster session on 16 and 17 August


18. - 23. september 2005
Konferencia ECDL o digitálnych knižniciach
9. európska konferencia o výskume a pokročilých technológiách pre digitálne knižnice
Viedeň, Rakúsko

ECDL 2005 is the 9th conference in the series of European Digital Library conferences. ECDL has become the major European conference on digital libraries, and associated technical, practical, and social issues, bringing together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field.

20. - 23. september 2005
Lokálne a celosvetové sprístupnenie knižničných zbierok
Tallinn, Estónsko

This is the 9th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply International Conference which this year will be held at the Conference Centre of the National Library of Estonia. The deadline for registration is 15 Aug ust 2005.

Kontakt: fax: (372) 631 1410, e-mail: ilds@nlib.ee

26. - 30. september 2005
Digitálne budúcnosti 2005: Od digitalizácie k dodávaniu
Londýn, Veľká Británia

Five day training course organised by King's Digital Consultancy Services and OCLC-PICA . Led by experts of international renown, Digital Futures focuses on the creation, delivery and preservation of digital resources from cultural and memory institutions. The course is aimed at managers and other practitioners from the library, museum, heritage and cultural sectors looking to understand the strategic and management issues of developing digital resources from digitisation to delivery.


7. - 10. október 2005
Conservare 2005: The European Heritage Forum
Kortrijk, Belgicko

The first European heritage forum focused on preservation, protection, restoration and presentation of cultural heritage.

Kontakt: fax: (32) 56 25 51 73, e-mail: 2005@conservare.be


14. - 15. november 2005
Konferencia o komunikácii v európskom výskume
Brusel, Belgicko

Generálny direktorát Európskej komisie výskum organizuje druhú konferenciu "komunikácia ku európskemu výskumu". Táto konferencia, ktorá sa zameria na vedeckú komunikáciu, má cieľ poskytnúť fórum pre diskusiu pre vedcov, komunikačných profesionálov a žurnalistov. Konferencia sa bude zaoberať aj smerovaním ku siedmemu rámcovému programu.

TEL-ME-MOR bude mať stánok v zóne pre vystavovateľov.