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marec 2005      

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30. marec 2005
Letná škola DELOS 2005

Sieť excelencie DELOS je štvorročný projekt financovaný Európskou komisiou v rámci 6. rámcového programu na dosiahnutie synergie a na pomoc rozvoju technológie pre ďalšiu generáciu digitálnych knižníc. It builds on the work of an earlier project under the Fifth Framework Programme, which ran from 2000-2003. DELOS regularly organises workshops, seminars and summer schools related to Digital Libraries. This year, the DELOS summer school on 'Digital Preservation in Digital Libraries' will be held in Sophia Antipolis, France, 5-11 June 2005. The event will assist the participants in understanding how to address digital preservation challenges in the context of the digital library as well as to provide a Sieť spolupráce opportunity for researchers, international experts and practitioners across disciplinary and national boundaries. Details on the event.

24 March 2005
Communicating European Research Conference

On 14-15 November, Európska komisia's Directorate-General for Research will host the second "Communicating European Research" conference. Based on the very positive experiences from the 2004 edition, the event will focus on the manifold aspects of science communication and will provide an excellent forum and meeting place for scientists, communication professionals and journalists. The conference will also take stock of the way towards the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Information on the Výzvy na predkladanie návrhov for the Exhibition and Forum is now available at the official web site of the conference.

21 March 2005
Informačný deň k 5. výzve

Luxemburg, 16 June
In connection with Call 5, due to be published in May 2005, Európska komisia, unit 'Vzdelávanie a kultúrne dedičstvo' organises an Informačný deň aimed at streamlining project proposals addressing the Strategický cieľ 'Sprístupnenie a uchovávanie kultúrnych a vedeckých zdrojov' in the IST Work Programme 2005-2006. The event will help to build consensus on trends and challenges in future research, to better understand the FP6 instruments, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and to find partners for project consortia.

The agenda and an on-line registration form are available here.

15 March 2005
Global Information Technology Report

The Global Information Technology Report 2004-2005 of the World Economic Forum offers interesting data on ICT developments in the world, including European New Member States. According to the report, Estonia leads the central and eastern European countries with a rank of 25 out of 104. The formerly centrally planned economies in this region tend to rank higher than some of the larger countries in Latin America, with Estonia, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Lithuania, scoring higher than Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, the three largest Latin American economies. The process has been made possible by impressive levels of foreign direct investment.

Overall, the report gives an excellent overview of the extent to which ICT is leading to real services over the world and is therefore an useful study tool for institutions interested in participating in the IST Programme.

11 March 2005
eCulture Newsletter

The new issue of eCulture, Európska komisia's DigiCULT newsletter, is now available from the Digicult web site. In the light of the upcoming Call 5, the issue focuses on priorities for research targeting the IST Strategický cieľ 'Access and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Resources'. The newsletter also features an article on TEL-ME-MOR.

8 March 2005
DigiCULT: Technology Watch Report 3

The third DigiCULT Technology Watch Report was published in January 2005 with the title Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector .

The report examines six core technologies, underlying a wide range of future applications, including Open Source Software, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval Technologies, Location Based Systems (especially GIS and GPS), Visualisation of Data, and Telepresence, Haptics and Robotics.

The report can be downloaded here:

• high resolution (30MB)
• low resolution (6MB)

4 March 2005
DigiCULT: Thematic Issue 7

The Future Digital Heritage Space. An Expedition Report was published in December 2004.

This report summarises the results of an expedition into the possible future of digital heritage in the next 10-15 years.

It is based on contributions from researchers, heritage experts and professionals to a DigiCULT online forum as well as the project's ongoing research.

The report is intended as a navigation tool for boards and directors of heritage organisations and research centres, IT project managers, and curators of digital collections, virtual exhibitions and environments, providing recommendations which may be useful for ensuring the creation of a thriving and inclusive future digital heritage space.

The document is available for downloading here.

1 March 2005
CALIMERA: new Country Reports published

Country reports for Armenia, Belarus and Cyprus were published in February by the CALIMERA project. These comprehensive country reports provide current information on museums, archives and libraries covering topics such as policies, strategic activities, statistics, ICT in local institutions, key standards and research activities. The reports include links to policy initiatives, innovative practices and new programmes.

All country reports are accessible via the official CALIMERA web site by clicking on the country of interest on the interactive map.

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