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apríl 2005      

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28 April 2005
Najnovšie vydanie spravodajcu Európskej knižnice je on-line

Aprílové vydanie Spravodajcu Európskej knižnice bolo zverejnené online. Spravodajca obsahuje okrem iných vecí nedávne spustenie novej služby vyplývajúcej z 3-ročnej práce projektu TEL a 10 mesiacov tvrdej práce kancelárie Európskej knižnice a 9 zúčasznených knižníc. Toto vydanie spravodajcu si môžete stiahnuť z adresy

Postup projektu TEL-ME-MOR

During the past three months (the project started in February 2005) the TEL-ME-MOR partners have been working hard to carry out the activities planned within the various areas of work.

•  An analysis of the requirements of the New Member States' national libraries for their inclusion in Európska knižnica is being carried out by the British Library and Národná knižnica of The Netherlands, which will be followed by individual work plans to be implemented by each of the libraries concerned. First results of this exercise are expected to be available by the end of the year 2005.

•  Národná knižnica Estónska v rekordne krátkom čase vyvinula webové sídlo projektu a v súčasnosti pracuje na ďalších sekciách a nových vlastnostiach. Webový portál sa má stať informujúcim nástrojom pre z nových členských štátov, Candidate Countries and for any other interested parties, looking for updated information on EU activities, calls, Podujatia etc. in the Cultural and Learning sectors and/or seeking partners, or existing partnerships to join. The Estonian Library has also published the first issue of the project newsletter and is currently working on the planning of the three regional workshops, which will be held in Poland, Slovenia and Hungary in summer 2006. Details on these Podujatia will be published at: as they are available.

•  A preliminary analysis of character set issues of the local TEL-ME-MOR Web sites was carried out by Národná knižnica of Slovenia. A questionnaire on character set capabilities was distributed to New Member States partners. The results will be compiled in a report due to be available in July 2005.

•  An Analýza výskumných potrieb of the 10 National Libraries from the New Member States was carried out by the Czech National Library based on a detailed questionnaire sent the partners concerned. The results of the analysis are being compiled in a report which will be discussed during 10 national consultation and validation workshop to be held in each of the New Member States in summer 2005. Details on these Podujatia will soon be available at

•  Last, but not least, TEL-ME-MOR will be actively participating in a number of Európske podujatia. Representatives from the TEL-ME-MOR consortium will be attending the Informačný deň in Luxembourg, on 16 June, the project will hold a poster session at the IFLA Conference in Oslo and it will also have a stand at the Communicating Research Conference in Brussels, in November. Details on the participation of TEL-ME-MOR in these and other future Podujatia will can be found at

20 April 2005
Projekt TEL-ME-MOR na podujatí IFLA 2005

TEL-ME-MOR was accepted to hold a poster session at the 71st IFLA Conference in Oslo in August and will probably also deliver a presentation in one of the conference's sessions. Details will be published on this site as soon as they are available.

Info on IFLA

6. april 2005
Vyšlo 1. vydanie spravodajcu TEL-ME-MOR

The newsletter, published in three editions during the timeframe of the project, is one of the dissemination means, which will be used by TEL-ME-MOR to inform about Výzvy na predkladanie návrhov, Podujatia and activities within the IST Culture and Learning areas, with the objective of stimulating and encouraging a greater involvement of New Member States in the 'Rozšírená Európa'. The newsletter is accessible from this page.

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